Datalake, version control and automation made for Excel users
XLConnect extends Excel with new features that enable completely new applications
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Connect cells to the Datalake to store data outside of your workbook
- Move data in and out of workbooks with a single click
- Separate data and logic to turn workbooks into reusable components
- Let data flow between workbooks controlled and transparently
- Complete audit trail of any piece of data
Model Library
Version management for workbooks with tracked changes
- Tracked changes between versions of Excel workbooks
- Reproduce bit-perfect copies of each version
- Transparent model lineage prevents version mix-ups

Robotic Process Automation takes care of repetitive work to save time and eliminate manual error
- Save time and eliminate fat thumbs errors
- Automatically update reporting trees on changed inputs
- Script repetitive work in stored procedures
Record four-eyes, validations and sign-offs on workbooks and data
- Store approvals in the system with the workbooks and data
- No more need for audit to request approvals
- Powerful tool to assert governance

Other features that you'll love
What-if analysis
Assess the impact of swapping out alternative inputs
Separate data from logic
Seperate data form logic to turn workbooks into testable and reusable compontents
Functional Composition
Compose workflows from smaller components to encourage reuse of logic and intermediate results
Citizen development
Leave continuous updates to formulas and UI to business users to free up IT for structural coding
Unit tests
Quickly assert no unintentional changes were made and the production model is aligned with the shadow model
Intergrate with external systems through SQL and REST to retrieve data and push results.
Hands-off execution of strictly versioned models saves time and eliminates fat thumbs risk
Annotate data and model changes, link to issue-tracking software to help reviewers understand your work